Sock swaps, giant maps & a new category of database : A recap of QCon London

Megan Armstrong  |  03 April 2023

Last week, the Event Store team attended QCon London, one of the largest international software development conferences. As exhibitors, we were excited to talk about all things Event Store and engage with attendees. Here's what we got up to.

The Event Store Booth

Giant maps of Europe, a Steam Deck, and socks featuring a green dragon called Ouro… These are just some of the things you’d have found if you visited the Event Store Booth. 

Not to mention our team, who were all keen to tell you about our operational database, EventStoreDB:

So, what could you do at our booth?

Pin your location on our map

We’ve mentioned our giant map already, but just in case you missed just how big it was, here’s a photo:

As you can see, QCon attendees came from all over Europe, with particularly large clusters around London, Belgium and the Netherlands. We also had a few attendees from further afield in Europe, including Romania, Georgia and Cyprus.

Our map only showed Europe, so for those coming from other continents, we had some world flags. India, South Africa and Brazil were among those that were pinned.

This was a great way to display the diversity of QCon, whilst connecting with those from around the world.

Enter our competition

By scanning a QR code, you could enter into our prize draw to win a steam deck. Runners up were given an Event Store swag box, which included a branded hoodie, water bottle and speaker.

Our winners were:

  • Steam deck: Aleksander (see his photo below)

  • Swag box: Paulina


Get some swag!

Ouro socks, stickers and pin badges were up for grabs. These went down a treat with delegates and other exhibitors, with all 360 pairs of socks disappearing by the end of the conference. 

Swag Swap

The swag swap is a necessity for any exhibitor (it’s not just delegates who enjoy gathering up as many branded goods as they can). From beanie hats to stickers and, of course, more socks, our team enjoyed making the rounds to meet other exhibitors and learn about other innovations.

Conference sessions

Tracks ranged from Building Modern Backends to Socially Conscious Software, providing a balanced mixture of deep technical subjects, high-level technical topics and soft skills. 

Yves noted that the “Remote and Hybrid Work: What Now? Track was fantastic”. Having particularly enjoyed the session by Helen Bartimote on The Interaction Between the Hybrid and Remote Working Revolution and Maintaining our Mental Health, I have to agree that this was my favourite track too!

For Matt, however, Joran Greef’s presentation: A New Era for Database Design with TigerBeetle was most insightful. The takeaway message from this presentation was that database design will unlock an abundance of new open source database management systems tailored to their domain.

Streaming events? You should be storing them.

On day 2 of the conference Yves and Matt presented their sponsored track talk on why you should be storing events at the source of the application. 

With around 70 attendees, the talk went so well that we’re holding a webinar version live on Thursday 13th April, 14:30 BST. Learn more and register here.

What's next for Event Store and QCon?

We enjoyed engaging with delegates, attending sessions and connecting with people from around the world at QCon London. So, what’s next? 

We'll be attending QCon San Francisco, so if you’re going, make sure to pop over to our booth! 

Learn more about Event Store

If you want to learn more about Event Store, check out some of our resources below. Don’t forget to also sign up for our live webinar, Streaming Events? You should be storing them.


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Photo of Megan Armstrong

Megan Armstrong Megan Armstrong is the Content Marketing Manager at Event Store Ltd.