
Event Store unaffected by SVB closure

13 March 2023

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) - a financial services partner for businesses in the innovation industry - was shut down on Friday 10th March by US federal banking regulators. 

As a key supplier to our customers, we wanted to recognize the difficulty faced by tech businesses in the US and beyond, and assure you that Event Store Ltd does not bank with SVB. As such, the closure of the bank will not impact our day to day operations and we are not directly affected. 

We are however aware that some affected businesses could be our valued customers. If you are facing difficulties as a result of the SVB closure, please reach out to our Customer Engagement team. 

Notes to editors

About Kurrent

Kurrent provides an event-native data platform that feeds real-time, business-critical data with historical context in fine-grained streams from origination to destination, enhancing data analytics and AI outcomes. Kurrent is available on AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform and as an on-premises solution. Event Store’s event-native technology is deployed in finance, tech, oil and gas, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, automotive, government and many other high stakes use cases globally. Visit our company page to find out more.

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